
Essential Boat Parts Every Boat Needs

In one single year, the U.S. Coast Guard can respond to over 19,000 Search and Rescue missions.

That’s because many accidents happen at sea. Boats are small vessels compared to the ocean at large, and you need to make sure you’re equipped for everything.

Even if you take your boat out in small bodies of water, engine or other maintenance errors can occur in a flash and you need to be prepared with the right spare boat parts.

These are the most essential spare parts to keep on your boat at all times. Whether you’re facing an emergency situation or just want to fix the air conditioning system, these spare parts are a necessity!

Anchor and Rope

Every boat needs an anchor. If your engine breaks down on open water and you can’t fix it yourself, you’ll have to call for help.

As you may know, it can take a long time for help to arrive, especially when you’re not in an emergency situation. Waiting it out is much easier when you have an anchor and a rope. Instead of drifting wherever the current takes you, your boat will be firmly planted in an unmoving spot.

Not only does this help the repair and rescue team find you with more accuracy and efficiency, but it also prevents you from accidentally floating into traffic or worse, into a dangerous situation.

You must make sure to remember the rope too! Without the rope, the anchor can’t fulfill its purpose.

Fluids: Oil, Lube, and Coolant

Engines require fluids to keep them running, and it isn’t unlikely that an issue could occur that causes a vital fluid to leak out into the water.

Important fluids that keep your engine running include oil, lube, coolant, and more. You need to make sure you have an ample supply of all three because your engine can’t function if it doesn’t have enough of just one of them.

If you notice any of these fluids are leaking, you may have a problem with engine overheating, hose failure, or faulty fittings.

First, you must fix the leak so that the engine can keep your boat running. Then you must refill it with plenty of the required fluid. That’s why it is necessary to keep enough spare oil, coolant, and lube on board.

Extra Fuel Filters

Fuel filters make sure your engine’s fuel isn’t contaminated. This is important because when fuel filters don’t function they can cause issues like hard starting, random misfires, and eventually the failure of other parts of the engine.

A clogged fuel filter is a problem that seasoned boaters grow accustomed to. Instead of calling for help, you can replace your fuel filter yourself quickly and easily.

You can find them at a marine supply store for an affordable price! Make sure you have plenty on hand, because you may come across this issue more often than others.

Spare Engine Belts

If you own a boat with an inboard engine, chances are it has an engine belt that keeps things moving.

Spare engine belts are essential boat parts to keep on hand because your engine will not function if your original belt becomes damaged or destroyed. These boat essentials provide energy for water cooling pumps or the alternator.

Unlike a lot of marine hardware, engine belts are not all that difficult to replace. However, you must do it right to make sure you don’t damage the new belt.

Electrical Fuses

You need fuses for your boat’s electronics to function. Their purpose is to protect electrical wires from damage. However, it is common that boat electrical wires become corroded in the harsh environment that boating entails.

Your electrical system doesn’t just power your air conditioning and your music.

It also powers your navigation and location services and your VHF radio. If you rely on your onboard GPS to take you home, you need to keep some spare fuses on board so you can repair the issue right away.

Handheld GPS and Locator Beacon

If you aren’t confident in your ability to repair your boat's electrical system by replacing the fuses but you still need some form of navigation to get you home, here’s your solution.

You need a handheld GPS device that is fully charged before you depart from your local marina. That way, if your electronics break down and you don’t know where you are, you have a backup location device that can point you in the right direction.

If all else fails, you will need at least one locator beacon on your boat.

If you don’t know where you are and you can’t access your built-in or handheld navigation system, or even your VHF radio, you may be in trouble. Luckily, if you carry a locator beacon on your boat, you’ll have a way to help the search and rescue team locate you.

Water Pump Impellers

Make sure you always have plenty of spare water pump impellers on board your boat when you set off. If a damaged impeller is left to its own devices, it can quickly shatter into many pieces that must be manually extracted from the seawater cooling system.

This is mundane work that takes a long time, and you can avoid it if you’re able to replace damaged impellers immediately.

Luckily, replacing water pump impellers on inboard engines is pretty simple. They are not too expensive when it comes to boat parts, and it makes a big difference if you have a few of these hanging around on deck.

Stock Up on Spare Boat Parts Today!

There are so many essential spare boat parts that you need to have onboard for your next trip into open water. However, you don’t know where to turn to find your boat parts.

You can stop asking yourself, “where do I find spare marine hardware near me?”

Check out our affordable selection of essential boat parts at Deep Blue Yacht Supply! Feel free to contact us today with any questions about your boating needs.