Simple and easy to replace in my Apollo SS propeller. Pay attention to the spline count on your prop shaft. I inadvertently ordered a 200 hub kit thinking my sterndrive was Evanrude, actually a volvo/evanrude 19 tooth spline..anyway, 205 fits perfect. One more thing, use the thrust washer that comes with the new hub kit....happy boating!
Guest|6/19/2017 12:05 PM
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Perfect fit
The XHS hub fit the Michigan wheel prop perfectly. Cobra Volvo Penta drive 1995 Four Winns. Only a gentle tap was required to seat the nylon hub inside the prop. Next the hub-nut adapter slid into the back of the prop after greasing the shaft. Bolted it down and set the cotter pin, good to go! Easily accomplished in 5 minutes even on the water... I did select more expensive UPS shipping, but it was shipped USPS Priority. Still arrived within 3 days, but the USPS rate was a couple bucks less than I actually had to pay for it.